I apologize to my loyal blog followers! I haven't been very active on here lately. I have a full plate of teaching workshops, private students, demos, shows, painting for upcoming shows, and a kitchen remodel that is still in the works! Therefore, I've been limiting my time on social media and writing blog posts. I'm looking forward to things slowing down over the holidays. This morning my husband and I went back out to Animal Kingdom to paint. I had started this one in an earlier session, and finished it today. We have a little less than a 2 hour window to paint each time.
I like how Violet is patting my shadow shoulder.
I had the Saimang Monkeys that are native to Southeast Asia keeping me company today. Since the weather has cooled off a bit they are a lot more active. Violet and Veruka are five-year old twin sisters.
This is a work in progress from the start of the morning.
Veruka is hanging ten.
I will add a few more finishing touches in the studio but it's pretty much complete.